Lenovo UXD Directory



Lenovo UXD Site

In the realm of technology and innovation, Lenovo has always been at the forefront of excellence. So, when Lenovo sought to create a platform that would outline the standards for user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, they knew they needed a partner with a long history of delivering exceptional UX. That's when our agency was invited to join this remarkable journey.

A Legacy of UX Excellence

Our agency's reputation for delivering top-notch UX design was the driving force behind Lenovo's decision to collaborate. With a history of crafting seamless and intuitive digital experiences, we shared Lenovo's commitment to setting industry standards for design practices.

The Purpose of the Lenovo UX Directory

The Lenovo UX Directory was conceived as a digital hub where Lenovo's design and development teams could find comprehensive guidelines, best practices, and industry standards for creating impeccable user experiences. Our mission was clear: to transform this vision into a reality.

Attention to Industry Standards

Creating a platform for outlining standards meant that every detail had to adhere to the highest industry benchmarks. We meticulously curated every element, ensuring that the directory became the go-to resource for Lenovo's design teams. It provided them with a blueprint for crafting user-centric experiences across Lenovo's diverse range of products.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Lenovo understood the importance of creating technology that is accessible to all. Our design included accessibility features, making it easier for users of all abilities to access and understand the guidelines. This commitment to inclusivity aligns with Lenovo's vision of a more inclusive digital future.

Intuitive Navigation

The Lenovo UX Directory needed to be as user-friendly as the experiences it aimed to create. We incorporated intuitive navigation, allowing users to effortlessly find the information they needed. It was a platform that demonstrated the principles of UX in practice.

Collaboration and Success

Our journey with Lenovo was marked by a spirit of collaboration. We worked closely with their team, ensuring that the directory reflected their core values and commitment to user-centric design. The result was a platform that not only met but exceeded their expectations.

Shaping the Future of Design

The Lenovo UX Directory is more than just a digital resource; it's a testament to Lenovo's vision and commitment to exceptional user experiences. It's a cornerstone for Lenovo's design teams, shaping the future of how they create technology that enriches lives.

Where UX Meets Excellence

Our collaboration with Lenovo on the UX Directory underlines the power of design to shape industries. We're honored to have played a role in creating a platform that is setting new standards for UX and UI practices.

Project Info -




United Kindom


Adobe Illustrator




Andreo Bowla
